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Hammes Gallery - 1969 to Present

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The Original Dedication Plaque 1969
Gift Of
Dorothy And Romy Hammes
To The
Sisters Of The Holy Cross

The naming "Hammes Gallery" began in 1963 in appreciation for a pledge from Dorothy Hammes to Saint Mary's College. Because of the untimely death of Dorothy, the pledge could not be completed. To pick up some of the difference Dorene and Jerry responded to an upgrade for lighting in 1969, and in 1999 responded to the needed renovation of the Gallery.

Presented to Dorene and Jerry by President Marilou Eldred in gratitude in support for the renovation of the Hammes Gallery in the Moreau Galleries at Saint Mary's College on January 21, 2000. This is an original by Jack Simmerling.

Family Tree
Hammes Archives